Consider Yourself KAR-Jacked by the Kardashians!
8:33:00 AM
There is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with anyone that will copy not just your clothes, but every single thing, right down to your pose.
They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I beg to differ. Immitation is flatterying when someone is so moved by you, or something you do that they use it as a catalyst of INSPIRATION to enhance their own actions, or in this case, personal style.
It is not flattering when you have a person, or in this case, a specific group of people who repeatedly, steal, pillage and plunder, not just a thought or an action, but every aspect of a person way of being, ( their mannerisms, their culture, etc. down to the most minute of details, and call it their own. It's what I like to call 'physical plagerism'. In fact, it is quite disturbing, and as many specialists in the field have documented in annumerous medical texts, this behaviour indicates and is a symptom of, serious psychological and personality disorders.
The Kardasian Jenners have been notorious for having no real style of their own, because of how they flagrantly steal the looks of others. How do you know the difference between stealing something and being "inspired"? Just like in school, when you are inspired, you cite your sources.
Do you receive it?
And just in case you want to compare who did it first, go to instagram and do an "who posted first!"
Feel free to leave me your opinion below, I won't mind. I have mine and you're certainly entitled to yours.
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